
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

DIY IPod Speakers from cardboard roll and cups

Ever notice that how your iPod or mp3 player just doesn't play music loud enough?  Well, if you have a cardboard roll and two cups lying around, you can fix that problem in a couple of minutes.  Yup.  Just make yourself a set of makeshift cardboard roll speakers!

diy ipod speakers from cardboard roll and cups

Keep reading to see how I made these bad boys...

Materials needed to create cardboard roll speakers:

  • Paper towel roll (or toilet paper roll)
  • Exacto knife
  • Pen
  • Scissors
  • Two cups
  • Optional:  Paint and paint brushes

Steps to create cardboard roll speakers: 

materials to make diy ipod cardboard roll speakers

1.  Trim your cardboard roll to your desired size (if you're using a paper towel roll.)

2  Trace the bottom of your iPod onto the middle of your cardboard roll.  Cut out that slit and make sure it's just big enough to hold up your iPod.

3.  Trace one end of your cardboard roll onto your cups.  Cut out that circle.  Repeat the same process with another cup.  Now make sure the cardboard roll fits snugly inside both cups. 

That's it.  Voila!  Now you've got a pair of speakers!

simple diy ipod speakers from cardboard roll

Of course, if you have a couple more minutes to spare, you can go one step further and paint a fun design on your cardboard roll and cups.

paint the cardboard roll and cups

Tada!  Now you have a set of cute looking speakers made from affordable and recycled materials.
painted diy ipod cardboard roll speakers

Easy to make Cardboard Roll ipod speakers

Bose speakers- eat your heart out!  Happy crapting!

sideways view of cardboard roll and cup speakers

Like this craft?  Then check out my 
DIY Cardboard iPod Projector 
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