Let's Play with Shaving Cream and Water Balloons!
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If your kid likes messy play, baked goods, and facial hair, then this is the activity for you! Let's get playing!
Materials Needed
- White Shaving Cream
- Bowls
- Sprinkles
- Water Balloons
- Straws
(Cut to little pieces)
- Plastic Spoon
- Popsicle Stick
- Food Container Plastic Lid with face drawn on it (I used this kind
of marker)
- Something to cover the ground with (We always just use this
- Not shown: Large plastic bin (We used something like this
and put everything inside to help contain the mess. It's also used as our makeshift sensory bin and water table.)
Let's Play with Shaving Cream and Water Balloons!
If possible, I'd recommend you do this activity outside. (It just makes clean up a lot easier.) But, the weather's been a bit temperamental lately, so we did our activity inside. I just made sure to cover the floor with this for easy cleanup.Then we got to playing. Chuck loved squirting out the white shaving cream and playing with the water balloons. Then, after we iced some water balloon "cupcakes," he REALLY loved pouring on the sprinkles. (Hee hee. Even after sweeping the floor we're still finding sprinkles in different corners of his room.)
Water balloon cupcakes, anyone?
Then I asked him if he wanted to give the man some shaving cream hair. He really enjoyed putting shaving cream ALL OVER the man's face. (This photo below shows my attempt when Chuck moved on to something else.)
Hee hee... apparently I love men with beards and uni-brows...
And then of course, we had to make some shaving cream ice cream too.
Hmm, I strangely find myself salivating when I look at this photo...
Since we're on the topic of fun shaving cream activities, here are some other fun shaving cream activities below...
- Make it rain! Shaving Cream Clouds and Rain
- Marbling Paper with Shaving Cream
- Mister Seahorse Craft (from I Heart Crafty Things)
- Driving Cars through Shaving Cream (from In Lieu of Preschool)
- Demolish a Snowman (from Fun at Home with Kids)
- DIY Puffy Paint (from Dabbles and Babbles)
Or, if you're looking for other great great invitations to play, check out these links below:
- Fun with DIY Play Dirt!
- Make fake snow (from diapers)
- Boat Building Challenge!
- Make Nature Soup! (from Meri Cherry Blog)
And, of course you can always check out my Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter accounts for more fun ideas.
Happy playing, friends! Pin It