
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Easy Origami Vampire Lips!

The quest for cute Halloween themed origami continues!  First we folded ourselves an origami cat.  Then we folded these three origami jack-o-lantern pumpkins.  Today, I'm continuing the trend and showing you how I folded up these Origami vampire lips!

 Origami Vampire Lips

super easy way to hold origami vampire lips
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Now full disclosure here-  I'm NOT an origami expert. I'm a complete novice.  I first saw a tutorial for cute vampire lips from this fun Halloween origami book.  However, hubby and I tried and tried... but we just couldn't figure out how to fold the darn thing!  So I looked online and saw a bunch of other really hard directions.  

Since I really liked the way the vampire lips looked, I ended up making up my own way of folding them.  So I guess the post should really be titled "Faux-gami."

If you want to try this faux-gami tutorial, check out the directions below!  I promise you, it's super easy and the results are really cute.

Let's get faux-lding!

Materials Needed

Let's fold some Vampire Lips!

how to fold vampire lips for Halloween (super easy Origami)

1.  Fold your paper in half.
2 . Open your paper up.
3.  Fold both sides of your paper to the middle (marked by your first fold in step 2.)
4.  Flip it over.  Then, fold both sides over.

how to fold origami lips - super easy tutorial

5.  Fold the bottom of your origami up so that it meets the midline.
6.  Fold up both bottom corners.
7.  Fold down your top two corners.
8.  Fold down the top middle corner.

Flip it over and you've got lips! 
how to fold origami vampire lips

9.  Cut out some fangs from another sheet of origami paper and glue them on.

Easie peasie, right?

So if you're a super origami pro- please don't throw any sticks and stones my way.  I respect your abilities!  I just wanted to fold some cute lips.... and I took a super easy way to do it.

Let's keep in contact!

Like this idea?  You can always find other fun ideas on my Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter accounts!

Have fun folding this sucky origami!  (Get it?  Vampires?  Suck?  Hee hee hee!)
Happy making!

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