Friday, March 4, 2011

Cycling baby

It's so exciting that hubby's sister is also pregnant too.  And guess what?  Her due date is just one day before mine! 

This morning she sent a text describing her second ultrasound:

"...the doctor was trying to measure the baby's legs
but it kept moving them like it was running.  
Nick says he wishes he could put a bike in there." 

So cute- like daddy, like baby.

This cute onesie was found here

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The big 3-0

A momentous birthday is approaching and I will soon have to leave behind this fun experimental decade to join a more responsible one.  Eeek.

I'm sure hoping that Longfellow's onto something when he says:
"Age is opportunity no less
than youth itself, though in another dress,
And as the evening twilight fades away
the sky is filled with stars, invisible by day."

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

From farm to belly

Last night we ate baked potatoes.  
Here are some photos recording our cooking process.

(1) We selected the best looking potatoes.

(2) We washed and dried them.

(3)  We wrapped them in foil and baked them.

(4) We chopped them up and slathered them with toppings.
They were potatolicious.

*Note:  Several potatoes were harmed during this process. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Belly Circumference

Today I looked down and saw that my stomach was protruding more than usual.  Curious, I pulled out my measuring tape.  At 13 weeks, my belly is now 33 3/4 inches.  Whoa.  I'm slowly becoming my own planet.

I'm now recording my circumference every week to make a lovely belly graph.  
First data point:  (13, 33.75)