Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Durian in Michigan?

A couple of days ago my hubby spotted these lying on the ground.

Looking up, he saw a tree filled with these mysterious fruit.

They reminded him of durian, a spiky green fruit that smells like gym socks mixed with turpentine.  Durian in Michigan?  Seemed a little strange, so I puttered around the internet.  According to this website these fruit are called Osage oranges (aka hedge apples, horse apples, monkey balls, and brainfruit).  Osage orange trees were originally planted to act like fences. Some say the fruit also repels insects and pests. 

So there you go.  Case closed.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Hey lady, you got bus fare?

Pop Quiz time!
How much did I pay to ride my local bus today?
A) $1.00
B) $0.75
C) Nothing.  I snuck on illegally.
D) One can of pork and beans

Can you see me on the bus?

D)  One can of pork and beans.  Seriously.

 Holland's MAX bus is accepting nonperishable food and personal items for free bus rides.  Save the environment?  Stock a community kitchen?  You betcha.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Proposal is a 12 point word

One of my good friends loves playing Scrabble.  If someone were to propose to her, he might do it like this: