Monday, March 7, 2011

Belly graph

Another week, another measurement. 
I don't look pregnant yet.  I just look like I ate too many donuts.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Two things

Here are two things that made me happy this week:

(1)  Charlie is not experiencing stomach problems.
Mom- do you have to write about this?

We recently found out that Petco stopped stocking Charlie's food.  Unsure what to do, we ended up choosing another type of dog food made by the same company.  We were so worried.  Charlie has a really sensitive stomach.  Last time we changed foods he had terrible diarrhea.  After one week of carefully observing his pooing habits, I'm glad to report that all seems well.  Phew!

(2)  Our girls made it to Round 2 of the NCAA tournament.
Yesterday we watched them win.

Who would have thought that I, a clumsy nerd and geek, would enjoy watching college basketball?  I love eating concession stand food, cheering for a team, and doing "the wave."  And, I especially love watching our girls play because they're so aggressive, tenacious, and scrappy.  Tonight they're playing against Wash U, so we'll see what happens... Go Hope!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Cycling baby

It's so exciting that hubby's sister is also pregnant too.  And guess what?  Her due date is just one day before mine! 

This morning she sent a text describing her second ultrasound:

"...the doctor was trying to measure the baby's legs
but it kept moving them like it was running.  
Nick says he wishes he could put a bike in there." 

So cute- like daddy, like baby.

This cute onesie was found here