Wednesday, June 8, 2011

City girl meets country plant

As I watered my two plants earlier this week, I noticed something *gasp* GROWING on the tomato plant.  Wondering what it was, I leaned in for a closer inspection and saw this:

Mercy me, it's a tiny green tomato!  I shall name it Tom.

I can't believe it.  I'm so excited (and hungry)! Oh Tom, how long will it take you to ripen?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Can you see the similarities?

Today we spotted some pansies growing in the ground.
Is it just me, or do these flowers look really grouchy? 

Their grumpy flower faces also reminded me of....
Grr-- I'm no pansy!

Is this another instance of art imitating nature?

image 1 taken from here image 2 taken from here

Like daddy

like doggie.
Isn't it funny how dog and owner start looking alike?

Monday, June 6, 2011

I think I grew bigger...

since yesterday!

I'm starting my 27th week.  Time is quickly passing by...