Friday, June 10, 2011

Q: How does your garden grow?

A:  Slowly.

A couple of days ago, I introduced  you to Tom.  Now *drum roll please* I introduce you to Tom 2.

Tom 1 now has a tiny friend, Tom 2!

I read somewhere that tomatoes take weeks to ripen on the vine.  *sigh*   According to Saint Augustine, "Patience is the companion of wisdom."  So hopefully this patio gardening process will grow some tomatoes for me and some patience and wisdom in me. 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

6 bucks

Whenever hubby and I visit the thrift store, we always scope out the baby clothing section.  It's always filled to the brim with rows and rows of baby clothes.  Some items are a bit ratty, but many are in quite good condition!  So, even though baby is only 15 inches right now (and still in my belly), we're picking up some pieces that he'll fit into (one day).  Here are four items that what we scored for only $6.00!

So tiny and cute (I wonder if Charlie could fit in one?)

I think Hubby owns a similar pair of pants

A faux shearling coat with paws?  Too cute to resist.
Baby, we can't wait to meet (and dress) you!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

City girl meets country plant

As I watered my two plants earlier this week, I noticed something *gasp* GROWING on the tomato plant.  Wondering what it was, I leaned in for a closer inspection and saw this:

Mercy me, it's a tiny green tomato!  I shall name it Tom.

I can't believe it.  I'm so excited (and hungry)! Oh Tom, how long will it take you to ripen?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Can you see the similarities?

Today we spotted some pansies growing in the ground.
Is it just me, or do these flowers look really grouchy? 

Their grumpy flower faces also reminded me of....
Grr-- I'm no pansy!

Is this another instance of art imitating nature?

image 1 taken from here image 2 taken from here

Like daddy

like doggie.
Isn't it funny how dog and owner start looking alike?