Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Baby Manny meets Baby Chuck

If you've been following this blog, then you already know that hubby's sister gave birth around the same time that I did.  (To see those posts, click here and here.) Last weekend Baby Chuck and Baby Manny** chatted online.  I'd like to imagine that their conversation went something like this:

Or, perhaps their conversation went something like this:

Tee hee hee.  We look forward to Skyping everyone again soon. 

** Henceforth his pseudonym will be Manny Pacquiao.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Kitty Litter cake

You can eat this box of dirty kitty litter.  

No, I'm not kidding.  This isn't a real box of kitty waste; it's a cake.   This edible look-a-like is made from cake mix, instant pudding, cookies, and Tootsie rolls.  Whether you find this creation extremely creative, terribly gross, or both, it's sure to be a conversation starter at your next party.

Cake first spotted on the Edible Crafts blog and recipe originates from Amanda's cookin' blog

Monday, November 7, 2011

The great baby escape

This weekend Baby Chuck met hubby's aunt.    
She gave him lots of hugs and kisses and told him about the great state of Wisconsin.

Baby Chuck-  "Really?  You get that much snow?  I'd like to see that for myself."
"Mom, I'm all packed.  Can we visit Wisconsin?"

One day, Baby Chuck.  One day we'll trek across that big lake.