Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tummy Times Comic-2

Here's my Thanksgiving comic strip: 
(Just click on the image to enlarge it.)


To see my first comic strip, click here

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pre-Thanksgiving day jitters

Hubby and I couldn't travel back home this Thanksgiving*, so we're holding a small get-together here.  (Luckily, one of hubby's aunts lives nearby and is able to celebrate with us.)  It's my first year cooking a full Thanksgiving meal, so I'm definitely feeling nervous.  To lessen my load tomorrow I started preparing some items tonight.

 I successfully defrosted the turkey.  *Phew*

But my attempt at dessert didn't turn out quite so well.  
What went wrong?  Why does my cheesecake look CRAZY?

Hope you all have a wonderful time celebrating Thanksgiving with friends and family. 

*We miss everyone back home very very much.  Whenever you eat your turkey leg and sliver of dessert, please think of us. :)