Saturday, December 24, 2011

Dear Santa

Our town published some children's letters to Santa in the local newspaper.  Here are two that I found particularly humorous:

Dear Santa,
Thank you for coming to my house last year and thank you for the presents.  I am glad that you did.  I hope you and the reindeer liked the cookies and the carrots.  This year I decided to make you a present.  I will leave a box on the top of the roof.  It will be waiting for you on the top of the roof.  It might look like something that you can eat, but it is not.  Travel safe!  
Your friend, Gavin S.  Age: 7

Dear Santa,
Can I have John Deere tractors?  And a John Deere Gator?  I love John Deere.  My daddy is a farmer.  He has tractors.  And spreads poop on fields.  Did you know I'm going to be a farmer?  I want a Happy Napper like my Sissy, Isabelle.  I love to eat her Chapstick. 
Bryce Mason S.  Age:  3

Friday, December 23, 2011

Windy City

This past weekend we visited Chicago.

We had to bundle up because it was very cold.

But, we braved the weather and saw lots of things.

Nanna also brought me a new friend. 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas guests

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the lack of posts.  We're currently entertaining some guests from Down Under.  I'll remind mom to post as soon as she can.

Baby Chuck