Tuesday, May 22, 2012

We're baack!

We're back from our trip to the East Coast!  We logged in a lot of hours driving, touring housing, and visiting family.  Now we're exhausted and I think we'll spend the next couple of days sleeping and unwinding.  

It's definitely good to be back home.   

Friday, May 18, 2012

Guess what?

We're taking a short road trip back to the East Coast.  We can't wait for Baby Chuck to meet his family.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Chocolate covered bacon and potato chips

I finally did it.  I took the culinary plunge and dipped bacon and potato chips into chocolate.

Yum.  Heart attack and tooth decay all in one delicious package.

Here's what I did:
(1)  I cooked bacon in the microwave until they were nice and crispy.   
(2)  I melted the semi-sweet chocolate in a double boiler.
(3)  After the strips of bacon cooled, I dipped them into the chocolate.  Then, I placed the strips onto a cooling rack so that the excess chocolate would be able to drip off.
(4)  I dipped the potato chips into the chocolate and then also placed them onto the cooling rack.
(5)  I put the finished treats in the fridge to cool the chocolate.

These treats were delicious.  But I wasn't perfectly happy with the results, so there are definitely changes that I'll make next time.
(1) My bacon treats looked a bit like puny dog treats.  Next time I won't cut each strip in half. 
(2) As the treats cooled, the chocolate hardened onto the cooling rack.  Next time I'll just use parchment paper.
(3) There was a tad too much chocolate on the bacon and I didn't quite achieve that perfect salty sweet balance.  Next time I'll just drizzle chocolate over the bacon.

Hmm, what else should I dip in chocolate?