Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy father's day

Dear Dads of the world,

You rock.  


Photos via Tito Ric and Tita Tina

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Goodbye family!

I think Baby Chuck is already missing everyone.  
Thankfully these goodbyes are only temporary.

Thanks Tito Ric for this lovely bouquetlishious photo

Friday, June 15, 2012

It's Friday?

Where has the time gone?  Can you believe that we only have about a week and a half left before we move back East?  Eek!

We had such great momentum before the yard sale.  We were sorting stuff, tossing out stuff, and donating stuff.  After the yard sale I just let things slide.  We're a tad bit behind on packing (we currently only have one box packed.) But that's all going to change this weekend.  Now that a kind friend gave us a ton of moving boxes, we're going to be busy bees and pack a whole bunch of stuff... after we go thrifting with family...and hang out with friends.... and celebrate Father's day.....

It will get done, I promise!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!