Monday, December 17, 2012

Graham Cracker Houses

Hubby and I have been still thinking about Sandy Hook.  This past weekend, we struggled with whether we should still hold our gingerbread house making party.  At first it felt kind of wrong.  Hold a party to make small houses out of crackers and candy?  Were we being too frivolous?  Was it ok to have fun while others grieved?

In the end, we still held the party.  And you know what?  I'm really glad we did.

Two gal pals came over and we spent the night eating, talking, and building.  We shared what was happening in our lives.  We listened a lot and laughed even more.

*Sigh* What happened in Connecticut was really really horrible.  But maybe this was our small way of battling the darkness.  Where one candle glows, darkness cannot win.  That night, I imagined our small apartment glowing with good friendship and love.

And doesn't the world need a little more of that right now?

Sunday, December 16, 2012

How can we support one another?

Maybe you're like me and you want to do something to help the victims of the shootings, but you don't really know how....

Well, I'm thankful that Amy Sullivan put together a list of ways that we could show the community that we care.

Here are two items from her list that we're going to try to do:

(1)  Send an Evergram.

Evergram is a website that allows users to send text, audio, or video messages to others.  They're currently compiling a bunch of messages in their Our Broken Hearts campaign to send to the Sandy Hook families on December 31st.  (Hubby and I really didn't know what to say.... but we just sent something anyway to let them know that they're not alone and that we're praying for them.)

(2) Send a letter to the school.   

I don't know about you, but I always feel special when I receive a card or letter in the mail.  I think Baby Chuck and I will work on this one tomorrow.

sandy hook love
image via Kindness girl

Look for the helpers

Hubby and I are just trying to process what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary.  We're in shock about how someone could murder so many people... but we're also touched by the staff's amazing bravery and sacrifice. 

"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers.  You will always find people who are helping.'  To this day, especially in times of 'disaster,' I remember my mother's words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers- so many caring people in this world."  ~ Mr. Rogers

Friday, December 14, 2012

Crapty origami boat ornaments and Christmas crackers

This weekend we're hosting a gingerbread house party.  To prepare, I purchased a whole bunch of candy, graham crackers, and icing.   I also crapted a couple of origami boat ornaments.  They were folded from magazine paper.  My little boats were inspired by this origami boat necklace that I won in a recent blog giveaway.  (First time I won one of these giveaways, hooray!)

I also made a bunch of psuedo Christmas crackers out of my ever growing pile of paper towel rolls.  Each guest is going to take one home as a gift.  Inside the cracker they'll find a balloon, a corny Christmas joke, a snowflake, cute band-aids  and a couple of candies.  I think traditional crackers are supposed to pop, but I couldn't find the cracker snaps, so mine will just look cute.  

Hope you have a great weekend.  See you on Monday!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

So... what do you do all day?

As a stay-at-home mommy, I always seem to get asked this question:  "So... what do you do all day?"  I never really know what to say, eat bon-bons and shop online?  (Just kidding.  I wish.)  Usually I just mumble something about housework or going out.  

Yesterday, I set my mind to capture what I actually do every day.  After seeing the "Picture an hour" series on Bluebird Vintage, I thought I'd also try taking a photo every hour of my "work" day.   

So, for those of you who are curious about the exciting world of homemaking, here's what one stay-at-home mom does at work.

8:15- Hubby came home and then we put Baby Chuck down to sleep.

So there you have it- a typical day with Baby Chuck and me.