Thursday, August 1, 2013

What's up Chuck?

We live across the street from a playground, dog run, and basketball court.  Lately, Chuck's been spending half of his time on the playground and half of his time on the basketball court.

At first he just stood on the sidelines.  He'd point at the players and chant, "Basketball, basketball." But now he insists on bringing his tiny basketball out and dribbling on the court...with the teenage boys. Eek!

And of course, like any good basketball player, he diligently practices his dribbling at home too...

P7317002.AVI from Pink Stripey Socks on Vimeo.
(Oh boy, I am really thankful that we either have thick floors or very understanding downstairs neighbors.)

Have a great weekend.  See you next week!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Guest Post: Thoughts on Faith and Crafting

Hi everyone! 
 If you're looking for a crafty, crapt-filled post, you're not going to find it here.

Today I'm sharing some of my thoughts on crafting and my faith over at my friend Lisa's blog, About Proximity.  I'd love it if you came and visited me there.

See you later!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Melted Perler bead braided bracelet

Maybe you're like me.

You rushed out to buy a huge tub of Perler beads because you had to make an awesome Perler bead bowl.

But now you find yourself staring at a huge tub of tiny colorful cylinders, wondering what you're going to do with all of them.

Well, how about making a braided Perler bead bracelet?

Oooh.  Arm Candy.

- Colored hemp cord
- Perler beads
- Wax paper
- Baking pan
- Scissors
- Tape (or clipboard, or you could just use your foot)
- Button
- Ruler