Friday, April 1, 2016

Spring Paint Chip Flower Bookmarks

Are the flowers blooming where you are?  Spring is fully in the air and I am LOOOOOVING it.  Today's craft doubles as a flower craft and spring craft.  We're making super easy paint chip flower bookmarks!

Paint Chip Spring Flower Bookmarks

Spring Paint Chip Flower Bookmarks

So pop on over to DIY Candy today to make your very own flower paint chip bookmarks! 

Happy making, friends!

Thursday, March 31, 2016

How to Fold Origami Ice Cream Cones

Ice cream and origami.  Two of my current favorite things in life.  Today I'm sharing a super cute and easy origami and paper craft- origami ice cream cones!  These little guys are super sweet and easy to make.

So let's get making!

How to fold Origami Ice Cream Cones

origami ice cream cone craft
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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Window process art (and our favorite 25+ art books!)

There is something about process art that really appeals to me.  When my son and I are free to just explore materials, there's more room to be creative (and a whole lot less pressure on both of us to make things "look right.")  We get to explore, create, and talk with each other.  Now, I will always love cute kids' crafts.  (Googly eyes and glitter will always hold a special place in my heart!) But lately I've just had enough time (and energy) to put out open-ended projects for us to do.

Here's a recent window process art activity that we recently did together...

Family Window Process Art

window process art with preschoolers
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