Showing posts with label inventions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inventions. Show all posts

Thursday, January 26, 2012


I'm not very good at folding origami.  I struggle with the wordless 300+ step directions needed to make just about anything.  I'm too impatient to interpret the images.  I find the dotted lines and curly arrows confusing.  Plus, I struggle with mentally rotating images.  Because of my white belt origami status, I bow down to those crazy amazing black belt folders.  I also bow down to the dexterous hands (and brains) behind My Jello Americans.

Folding paper?  Tres Tricky.  Folding jello?  Well, who could have imagined that? 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Sticker to soap

Don't you just hate those stickers on fruit?  

You either try to to peel them off and they stick to your fingers or you completely forget that they're there and then you wind up with gross paper in your mouth.  Luckily, Amron Experimental came up with a clever solution.  They created a label that turns into soap when washed and rubbed.  How clever is that?!?  Poof!  Goodbye unwanted wax, pesticides, and bacteria! 

Information and photo first spotted on the Edible Crafts blog and originated from Amron Experimental

Monday, May 23, 2011

Long standing memories

I love the design of this photo album.

They stand upright!  (Above:  A herd of albums)

Just remove the album's binding...

and voila, your pictures are revealed.  How elegant.

Images and album found here

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dream appliance

I was poking around the NYTimes when I came across this image.  Suddenly the heavens opened before my eyes and I fell to my knees in awe.

I swoon for you, bike-o-worsher.

Apparently, volume 25 of Make magazine has directions.  Now all I need is a copy of that magazine, a house with a large garage, a lesson in welding, and an agreeable hubby.... easy.

Image taken from here c/o Tony Cenicola and The New York Times

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Have you heard of heart transplants?
Kidney transplants?
Poo transplants?

Yes, you read right.  Poo transplants.  Apparently some patients suffer from terrible diarrhea caused by very bad bacteria.  Currently available antibiotics can't help, so some doctors are turning to "transpoosion" therapy.  They place a healthy person's poo into the patient's stomach.  The result? In most cases, the bad bacteria are killed and the patient's system returns back to normal.

Inspired by these findings, I'm doing my part to help.  No, I'm not donating.  Instead, I've designed some stickers that donors could wear after making a donation.

Click here to find out more! Thanks Alice for sending me this pootastic article.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Taco infomertial

Do you ever eat tacos and find yourself with this problem?
Oh no! The tilted taco!  The outpouring of my delicious fillings.... 

Well, that problem is a thing of the past!
A flat bottom- simple change in design... awesome benefits

All my fillings are now safely secured.  Now that's some great engineering!

note:  first taco image taken from here

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pill no more

I'd like to introduce you to a new friend.

This little guy eats pilling on clothes.  So sweaters like this one
(Ew.  Don't you just want to pull those suckers off?)

are transformed back to their pre-pill state
Ah.  Smooth and soft

The results are amazing. 
 What will they think of next?

Friday, December 10, 2010

If I had a million dollars

I would invest in technology that transforms human energy into usable energy.

A sketched technical schematic

Imagine it- solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, and... people energy!