Saturday, December 18, 2010

Evolution of a bird feeder

As many of you already know from my "flighty visitors" post, we've recently put up a bird feeder.

Here, I hung the feeder on a random nail.

Worried that our birds didn't have enough space to stand, hubby created this contraption to encourage maximum feeding:

The "trapeze" feeder

Then, reading somewhere that bird feeders should be about 4 feet off the ground, hubby reworked the contraption to look like this:

The "damsel tied to the railroad tracks" feeder
Are we encouraging more birds to visit our feeder?   Unsure.
Do I smile at hubby's ingenuity?  You betcha.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Two magical ingredients

Nothing tastes better than a steamy bowl of soup on a cold winter's night.

Slurp me

This chicken and potato soup was particularly yummy because of two star ingredients:
(1)  Cilantro- The tastiest herb ever

(2)  Better than Bouillon- Chicken flavoring in a jar

With temperatures dropping, I hope you all stay warm and full-bellied.

note:  cilantro photo taken from here

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pill no more

I'd like to introduce you to a new friend.

This little guy eats pilling on clothes.  So sweaters like this one
(Ew.  Don't you just want to pull those suckers off?)

are transformed back to their pre-pill state
Ah.  Smooth and soft

The results are amazing. 
 What will they think of next?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sweet dreams

Nothing says family fun like gingerbread, icing, and candy.  

Last year's family fun

I can't wait till this Christmas. 
Oh the icing we'll squeeze!
Oh the candy we'll eat! 
Oh the memories we'll make.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bow ties done three ways

Here are photos from Hubby's wardrobe.  Who knew that polka dot bow ties could be so versatile?

The Nutty Professor

Indiana Jones

That's Bond, James Bond