Monday, January 24, 2011

Nothing gets me going

like a good buy-one-get-one free sale 

and a box of instant Mac and Cheese.

Another successful grocery run!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Have you heard of heart transplants?
Kidney transplants?
Poo transplants?

Yes, you read right.  Poo transplants.  Apparently some patients suffer from terrible diarrhea caused by very bad bacteria.  Currently available antibiotics can't help, so some doctors are turning to "transpoosion" therapy.  They place a healthy person's poo into the patient's stomach.  The result? In most cases, the bad bacteria are killed and the patient's system returns back to normal.

Inspired by these findings, I'm doing my part to help.  No, I'm not donating.  Instead, I've designed some stickers that donors could wear after making a donation.

Click here to find out more! Thanks Alice for sending me this pootastic article.

Friday, January 21, 2011


I'm always looking for ways to liven up my lectures (keeps the students awake and me entertained).  Yesterday, I used a small green character to share my thoughts on their first homework assignments.

Yes, I attempted to sound like him too.

Visit here to translate your thoughts to Yodish.