Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pot o'sushi

Happy St. Patrick's  Day!  

According to Irish legends, leprechauns store treasures at the end of rainbows.  If I were a leprechaun I would store sushi at the end of my rainbow.

I miss eating sushi and I've tried curbing my cravings with homemade attempts, but they never satisfy.

 Sad pseudo sushi

Once the baby pops out, I'm going to (1) hug baby and (2) eat a piece of sashimi.

Will my hospital will serve meals like this?

Chirashi image taken from here

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Yesterday a package from Poland arrived with these funny stamps: 

Maybe these stamps show what businessmen do in meetings?  Or maybe they show what politicians do in their spare time?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Brain workout

Hubby often holds office hours to help students understand the material.  One day, after working with a student for half an hour, the student seemed upset. Hubby asked, "What's wrong?" and she replied,

"I'm tired from thinking so hard.  My brain hurts."

Monday, March 14, 2011

belly graph

This week there was a small increase in belly circumference.
Yes!  I'm getting larger.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dream appliance

I was poking around the NYTimes when I came across this image.  Suddenly the heavens opened before my eyes and I fell to my knees in awe.

I swoon for you, bike-o-worsher.

Apparently, volume 25 of Make magazine has directions.  Now all I need is a copy of that magazine, a house with a large garage, a lesson in welding, and an agreeable hubby.... easy.

Image taken from here c/o Tony Cenicola and The New York Times