Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I love Jane Austen's novels.

I love them so much that I almost convinced hubby to name our child Fitzwilliam (after my beloved Mr. Darcy.)   So, imagine my delight when I saw this Pride and Prejudice board book shown on this lovely blog.  (Photos taken from blog)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Men's shirtdress

While reading one of my favorite blogs, I happened to see this amazing video:

Ex-men's shirt as new dress for you from general ink on Vimeo.

I tried it out with hubby's shirt, but it didn't quite work.  I would have posted a picture, but the shirt stretched in weird ways over my post-pregnant belly.  Plus, no one wants to see a large bum exposed to the cool autumn air.

Monday, October 3, 2011

First major outing

This weekend we took Baby Norris out for his first major outing.  Our town was holding a fruit carving competition and we decided to check it out.

Although Baby Norris slept through the trip, I'd like to think that he enjoyed himself too.