Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Four boys, four times the cuteness

I typically try to post one entry a day.  But I just couldn't wait to post this entry. 

Sadly, Baby Chuck won't be able to meet the other boys in our family this Christmas.  However, I'm hopeful that one day, all four little guys will meet and play together. 

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Let's catch up

Monday, December 5, 2011

Here's looking at you, kid

What would you do with a bunch of Styrofoam eyeballs?
Let's see what German artist Timm Schneider did. 

Seeing faces on inanimate objects always cracks me up (as evidenced by this post, this post, this post, and this post.)

First seen on Foodiggity
To see these photos (and more) visit Timm Schneider's website

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tummy Times Comic- 3

 (Just click on the image to enlarge it.)

To see previous comic strips, click here

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Healing math

I was having a rough day yesterday and feeling quite glum. Thankfully, a friend called and cheered me up with some kind words and a math question. (She's studying to be a teacher.) I'm not sure why, but working on her math question cheered me right up.

Here's the question:

We know that
A pair of suspenders and a pair of socks cost 18 dollars.
A tie and a pair of socks cost 22 dollars.
A tie and a pair of cufflinks cost 25 dollars.
A shirt and a belt cost 37 dollars.
A pair of cufflinks and a shirt cost 33 dollars.
A belt and a pair of socks cost 17 dollars.

Given all this, how much does each item (pair of suspenders, pair of socks, shirt, tie, pair of cufflinks, and belt) cost?

Have fun!