Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Gingerbread community

This weekend a bunch of gals and I created a gingerbread neighborhood:  

We built a hotel,

a church,

a door-less cottage, (*Note how the naughty neighborhood kids pushed over the snowman)

and a ski lodge.
Would you want to live here? 
Perhaps they would.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Surprise ties

This weekend hubby received a surprise gift from a friend:

Don't you just want to run your hands through these beauties?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tummy Times Comic- 4

(Click on image to make it larger.)

To see previous comics, click here

Friday, December 9, 2011

Sunny days and pop of color

Even though it's well and truly winter, the weather is still relatively mild and sunny.  Hooray!  We're going to drink in as much sunshine as we can.

**Update:  Can you believe it just snowed this morning?
Sunny days celebrated with sunny clothes

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Calling all shoe people

 Kobi Levi's shoes make my Target Converses turn green with envy. 

Coffee, anyone?

Be careful not to slip on that banana peel!

Ma'am, please take off your weapons.  No boarding the plane with these babies. 

Wheeeeeee!  Wear these and you'll be the sexiest mama at the playground.