Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sofa Series 1: You had me at yel-low

I want to own furniture that's functional and/or (but preferably and) beautiful.  Sadly, our current couch is neither.  It's brown and saggy.  It's also horribly uncomfortable.

Well, buy a new couch, you say.  Yes, I wholeheartedly agree.  But where can we find a couch that's (a) easy to clean, (b) comfortable, (c) cute,  and (d) affordable? 

This past weekend hubby and  I visited our local Salvation Army and that's where I spotted the one.

Time stood still.  My heart raced as my eyes took in its velvety yellow exterior.  I glanced longingly at its tufted buttons and delicate wooden feet.  And just to make sure that it was real and not a figment of my imagination, my hand lightly traced its long and curvy frame.

For $50 it was mine.  My precious.  My own.   Oops.  Silly me, I mean ours- of course.

Hubba hubba.  Look at the curves on this one.

Now don't get me wrong, this couch has suffered a lot of wear and tear over the years.  I may be a dreamer, but I'm not blind. The upholstery is worn, the cushions sag, and the frame is covered in nicks and scratches.  But hubby and I didn't let that deter us.  We saw potential.  Why, with just a little tlc, this old gal could be the comfy and beautiful furniture of our dreams.

So now let's see what a little creativity and elbow grease can do...

Monday, February 20, 2012

Take a bite

Lately Baby Chuck has been sticking everything in his mouth.  It doesn't matter if it's my shirt or his hand or hubby's watch, somehow he has to lick and suck everything.  I wonder if he's teething?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

When life gives you

lemons, you make lemonade.

And when life gives you onion sprouts,
you can always make some salsa.

Hello and goodbye

I saw this floral boots DIY on A Beautiful mess awhile ago and kept meaning to try it out.  Week after week, I found myself delaying the project.  My excuse was that I didn't have the right fabric, but really I was just too chicken to deface a pair of shoes.  The craft gods must have sensed my fear because last weekend one of my favorite shirts ripped and I suddenly found myself with some extra fabric.  Here's how I used the ripped shirt to bring new life to a pair of black shoes:

They were cute, right?  Notice that I used the term "were."  Sadly, these shoes no longer exist.  After proudly wearing my new footwear to church a couple of creases appeared and then the fabric just tore away from the shoe.  I think the wet and slushy snow covered ground might of had something to do with that happening.  Blast my impatience!   

RIP fabric covered shoes, I will miss you.

But, perhaps I will reincarnate you as glitter shoes?   Oooh, glitter!