Monday, February 27, 2012

And the award goes to

Last night we watched the Academy Awards.  While watching, we got a little hungry and made ourselves some Rice Krispy treats awards:

One Oscar for each of us

Friday, February 24, 2012

Secondhand chic

I realized I haven't been recording hubby's sartorial choices.  Here's his outfit today:

Can you believe that the shirt, blazer, and bow tie are all secondhand items?  Shnazzy!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sofa Series 2: Let the pros handle it

Armed with kitchen knives, scissors, latex gloves, and a screwdriver, hubby and I wanted to reveal our inner DIY ninjas and reupholster the new couch.  We were all set to rip up fabric and break...something... but then a preliminary peek around the internet convinced us to rethink that plan.  What?  Tufted buttons require more fabric know-how?  What? Re-upholstery requires specialized tools?  You mean our butter knife won't do?  

Oh well.  We tossed out the original plan and found a local vintage shop that specializes in fixing up older furniture.

Can you spot our U-Haul?

They're going to repaint and reupholster the couch.  All we need to do is choose some fabric...  

Oooh.  So many options.  Which one to choose?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sofa Series 1: You had me at yel-low

I want to own furniture that's functional and/or (but preferably and) beautiful.  Sadly, our current couch is neither.  It's brown and saggy.  It's also horribly uncomfortable.

Well, buy a new couch, you say.  Yes, I wholeheartedly agree.  But where can we find a couch that's (a) easy to clean, (b) comfortable, (c) cute,  and (d) affordable? 

This past weekend hubby and  I visited our local Salvation Army and that's where I spotted the one.

Time stood still.  My heart raced as my eyes took in its velvety yellow exterior.  I glanced longingly at its tufted buttons and delicate wooden feet.  And just to make sure that it was real and not a figment of my imagination, my hand lightly traced its long and curvy frame.

For $50 it was mine.  My precious.  My own.   Oops.  Silly me, I mean ours- of course.

Hubba hubba.  Look at the curves on this one.

Now don't get me wrong, this couch has suffered a lot of wear and tear over the years.  I may be a dreamer, but I'm not blind. The upholstery is worn, the cushions sag, and the frame is covered in nicks and scratches.  But hubby and I didn't let that deter us.  We saw potential.  Why, with just a little tlc, this old gal could be the comfy and beautiful furniture of our dreams.

So now let's see what a little creativity and elbow grease can do...