Wednesday, April 18, 2012

DIY- Polka dot shorts

A couple weeks ago I spotted this pair of red polka dot capris in the thrift store:

They were an odd length and didn't quite work as pants.  But since I loved the color and the polka dot pattern, I figured I could salvage them by turning them into shorts.  This past weekend I took the leap and did it.
Here's what we did:
(1)  I used one of my favorite shorts as a template and cut the pants about an inch longer than my shorts.  (2)  Hubby used a zigzag stitch to make sure that the raw edge didn't unravel.
(3)  Hubby folded the legs up and sewed them using a basic running stitch.
(4)  We thought the shorts were still a bit too long, so he folded them up sewed them using a running stitch again.      

Here are our final results:     

And since we had a bunch of cute fabric, we created a heart shaped patch to hide a stain on a bag. 

It was surprisingly easy to turn pants into shorts.  Thanks hubby for being my seamster!  (Is that even a word?)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Bucket List: Meijer gardens

Since we're leaving Holland this Summer, hubby and I created a bucket list of things we wanted to do before returning back East.  One of Hubby's wishes was to visit the Meijer Gardens and see the butterflies.  We went this past weekend and really enjoyed seeing the butterflies and flowers.  By the end of the day we were all tuckered out.

Although Baby Chuck enjoyed seeing those butterflies, he really enjoyed seeing these lovely gals.

Meijer gardens- check!       

Monday, April 16, 2012

Sofa Series 4: Our new (old) sofa is here

The sofa we found at the thrift store and got professionally reupholstered is finally finished.  They delivered it to our apartment last week.  Hubby and I are amazed at how great it looks. 

Oodles and oodles of potential

Tada!  Green fabric!  Man-oh-man, I can't believe we own such lovely furniture.

It is big, beautiful, comfy, and quirky... and we adore it!  The people at Found did such a wonderful job.  Thank you!

(I would have uploaded these couch photos earlier, but every time I sat on it to work on this post... I fell asleep. Too comfy! )

Thursday, April 12, 2012

DIY gelatin facial pore strips

I spotted this diy awhile back describing how you could make your own pore strips using two ingredients:  unflavored gelatin and milk.  Make your own Biore-esque strips at home?  The idea sounded so strange that I had to give it a try.

- 1T Unflavored Gelatin
- 1.5- 2 T Milk

(1) I combined the ingredients into a paste
(2) Then, I microwaved the paste for 10-15 seconds
(3) I used a plastic spoon to quickly stir the goo and then slathered it onto my face
(4) I waited ten minutes and then voila! I was like an aging starlet who just got botoxed.

And then came the difficult part.  Pulling everything off was extremely painful.

Bottom line:  I think I'll just stick to eating gelatin and not wearing it.

Have you tried any diy beauty recipes lately?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Pt 3: Rice Krispy Peep treat

I know Easter is over, but I couldn't resist buying peeps.  They were on sale.  Plus, they're just so darn cute.  But what to do two dozen peeps?  How about making a very large rice krispy peep treat?*

* If you'd like to make a rice krispy peep treat for yourself, you'll need these ingredients:
- 1.5 T butter
- approx 24 peeps
- 4 C rice krispies
- 1 toothbrush 

- Melt butter in non-stick pot
- Throw peeps into pot and watch them melt
- Laugh maniacally
- Add rice krispies to pot and stir
- Shape the sticky mess into a very large peep
- Let your frankenpeep cool
- Enjoy treat
- Brush your teeth. (These snacks are sugary!)