Friday, September 21, 2012

Crapty Fridays- T-shirt scarf (and ugly necklace)

Ok, let me just preface this post with this warning:
Warning!  This crapt ended up looking like crap.

Hubby had a t-shirt with a hole in the armpit, so instead of tossing it out (or using it as a rag), I cut it up and created a multi-strand scarf.

Step 1:  I cut the shirt across the armpit and then I cut off the bottom hem.

Step 2:  Then, I cut horizontal strips about 1inch in width.  I made sure to stop about an inch from the left seam so that I was left with connected loops.

Step 3:  I stretched the shirt.  Does this count as exercising?  (Note:  I didn't really stretch it with my foot.  This was just my way of showing it being stretched while using both hands to take a photo. )

Step 4:  My almost finished scarf- I decided not to sew a strap of fabric around all the loops  (Note:  Make sure you cut the strands about the same width in step 2.  Otherwise you end up with different size loops like I did.)

I wasn't too impressed with my resulting scarf, so I ended up cutting the loops up to create very long strands.  But what to do with them?  I fiddled and braided and ended up making this necklace:

I was trying to make something that looked a bit bohemian, but it ended up just looking... well... crapty.  Hubby said it resembled a noose.   

Ok, the scarf looked alright, but the necklace was definitely a dud.  But that's the joy of crapting!  It was bound for the trash anyway, so not to worry.  (Hmm, maybe I should have labeled this post as an anti-DIY?)

Hope you have a great weekend.  Baby Chuck and I are really looking forward to having hubby around.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Guess what?

Baby Chuck made a new (furry) best friend.

P9165868.AVI from Pink Stripey Socks on Vimeo.

We're slowly entering toddlerhood- eep!

P9165844.AVI from Pink Stripey Socks on Vimeo.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Bronx Zoo

Last weekend we celebrated the birthday of a very sweet 2-year old by going to the Bronx Zoo.  It was a lovely cool day with sunny blue skies.  Hubby and I tried to take lots of photos of the animals, but honestly some of my favorite photos were the ones that we took of family.

 This final photo cracks me up.  
By the end both boys were completely zonked from all the fun. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sharpie on shoes

In high school I used a lot of Sharpie markers and white out pens to decorate my clothes and backpacks.  Inspired by this momma's post I felt the urge to pull out my trusty tools again and doodle on a pair of shoes. 

My triangles were a bit... erm... wonky.  But, I had lots of fun and now Baby Chuck will have a one-of-a-kind pair of shoes just in time for fall.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Crapty Fridays- Making stamps out of styrofoam plates

I'm a jealous crafter.
For the past couple of months I've suffered from envy...fruit and vegetable stamp envy.

Whenever I see other crafters using produce like apples or potatoes to create beautiful stamps, I always think, "Gee, that looks like fun.  I wish I could do that."  I then go to the grocery store intending to buy and carve something beautiful.  But once I make my way to the produce section I can never push myself to actually do it.  I'd much rather eat food then craft with food.  Potato stamp.... or creamy potato salad? (Yum.)  Apple stamp... or healthy and crunchy snack?  (Double yum.)  My hunger beats my crafting intentions every time. 

Since produce stamping is probably out of the picture for me, I've turned to another option:  Styrofoam bowls.  We had a couple of random ones lying around.  I was going to toss out, but then I felt the strong urge to crapt.  (Tee hee.)   Here's what I did:

I drew and cut out shapes to act as the stamps. I also cut out large rectangles to create stamp handles.

I used plain ol' Elmers glue to glue my cutout shapes to their respective rectangle handles.  (Note: I made sure that my rectangular handle was thinner than my shape.  I didn't want the handle to be part of the stamp too!)

To "ink" up my stamps, I painted craft paint onto them.  Then, I repainted the stamp each time I made an imprint. 

I'm glad I went with simple shapes because my craft paint kind of squished and oozed underneath my stamp.  A lot of my imprints were far from perfect, but I'd think that adds a certain crafty charm, right?  I'm unsure whether this activity was similar in any way to real fruit and vegetable stamping, but it was the perfect crapty project to help me get over my stamping envy... for now.

How would you crapt with a used Styrofoam plate? 
What should I crapt with next??