Showing posts with label inventions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inventions. Show all posts

Monday, March 10, 2014

DIY Cardboard iPod Projector

I've been on a crapty DIY technology kick lately.  A couple of weeks ago, I made this set of  DIY Cardboard roll iPod Speakers.  After making those speakers, I wondered if I could take the idea one step further.  Could I somehow make an iPod projector out of everyday materials?

After searching online, I saw that others had some success with a creating a DIY iPod projector out of a cardboard box and magnifying glass.   So, of course, I had to try it for myself. 

Tada!  Here's today's craft- a DIY Cardboard and Magnifying Glass iPod Projector  

DIY Cardboard iPod Projector

Wanna see how this projector works?  Keep reading for more!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Maker Faire 2013 (Part 2)

"Don't think.  Thinking is the enemy of creativity.  It's self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy.  You can't try to do things.  You must simply do things."  Ray Bradbury 

Often times when an idea pops in my head, I find myself just sitting on it.  I spend days thinking about it. I turn it around and around in my head.   And then I get overwhelmed by it.

I guess I tend to over think things.  (Anyone else like that too?)

Seeing the exhibitors at the Maker Faire really inspired me.  Yeah, they probably did a lot of thinking.  But, they also stepped out of their thoughts and actually tinkered and experimented with their ideas.  They dared to try and they dared to fail.

Alright, that was rather a long intro to these last set of photographs from the Maker Faire.  (To see part 1, click here.)  I guess I just wanted to say a big thank you to all the exhibitors.  Thanks for being brave and trying.  Thanks for showcasing your creativity and hard work.  Thanks for inspiring the maker in me. 

Giant felted dinosaur

Chair made out of very thin cardboard (or thick paper?)

Butterfly bicycle!

The inventor of this toy (and the one below) was at the faire showcasing his toys.  They were lovely, modern, and classic at the same time.

You build a structure and then drop marbles onto it.  The marbles slide around on ramps and through holes.

Pink elephant made of wooden shapes- who thinks of this stuff?

Awesome pink elephant

Monday, September 23, 2013

Maker Faire 2013 (Part 1)

Hi everyone!  How was your weekend?

This weekend we visited the Maker Faire held at the New York Hall of Science.  It's a yearly two-day festival where tons of "makers" (crafters, hobbyists, tech lovers, engineers, etc..) showcase what they've made.

The faire is advertised as the "greatest show and tell on earth."  Oh boy, it definitely lived up to that title.  We visited the faire for about four hours... and only saw about about half of the exhibits.  Crazy, right?  Not going to was difficult maneuvering through all the exhibits with a super active two year old... but I really am thankful that we were able to attend.  It was truly awesome to see so many people passionate about making things with their hands.   I left feeling quite inspired (and exhausted...oof). 

Here are some photos from the day:

Tiny race cars!

This bus brings green space to urban dwellers.

Some toy makers sold their toys there

These robots moved and spoke

Music created by people's text messages

P9218754.AVI from Pink Stripey Socks on Vimeo.

Super cute mini toy that you could create with your kids

Allergic to dogs?  Ever consider a robot dog?  (Chuck loved following this guy around)

Monday, January 7, 2013

DIY coat hanger iPad stand

A couple of months back, hubby's sister generously gave us an iPad.  It's sleek and gorgeous and we love using it.  Hubby especially likes using it to watch videos when he rides his bike in our apartment.  But, he's never quite sure how to hold it up so that he can ride and watch at the same time.

Well, hubby, look no further.  A couple of nights ago I took matters into my own crapty hands.  After a quick search online, I was able to make iPad stand using a coat hanger and my bare muscles.

Yes!  It's true.  And you can do it too!  Learn how by watching this awesome CNET video.

In case you don't believe me, here's a photo showing that my coat hanger stand actually does work.

Holding an iPad vertically is no small feat!

Ok... so you're probably thinking... this is too good to be true.

Well, the stand does work.

But, I do have one small disclaimer.  My crapted stand looks a bit.... well... take a look for yourself:


 I know what you're thinking.  It looks like a piece of wire bent by a deranged person.... and I totally agree.  But, I just can't deny the facts.  Ugly as this thing is, it does its job and costs nothing to make.

It's as strong as it is ugly.

 So what do you think?  Amazing?  Or amazingly ugly?

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Landfill Orchestra

I don't usually post on the weekends, but I had to load this video up.  It's beautiful and hopeful and inspiring.

Landfill Harmonic film teaser from Landfill Harmonic on Vimeo.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

DIY- Chocolate face mask

I've always had oily acne prone skin.  You know that girl in high school with the thick bangs?  That was me, hiding the pimple constellation on my forehead.  Anyhoo, because I've been breaking out more than usual I found a recipe for a diy chocolate face mask here.  We already owned all 4 ingredients, so I gave it a try.   

 - 1/3 C cocoa powder
 - 3 T plain yogurt
 - 1 T honey
 - Squeeze of lemon

I mixed all the ingredients together, then applied a thin layer to my face.  The mask was incredibly thick and cool on my skin.  It also smelled so deliciously chocolatey that I couldn't help but try a taste...

 but I really shouldn't have done that because it tasted bad.  Really really bad. 

There was a ton left, so I probably could have refrigerated it and used it later.  But I accidentally left it out and so we had to toss it out.  :(

Have you ever tried making your own face mask?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

One stamp to rule them all

Currently I'm no longer adjuncting at our local college.  I've generally been happy with that decision because now I get plenty of time to get to know and care for Baby Chuck.  Even though he's awfully cute and wonderful to hug and kiss, I do miss adult conversations and the satisfaction that comes with creating and giving lectures.

While perusing the blogosphere, I recently I spotted this stamp.  And just for a moment, I wished that I was teaching again...just so that I could use it.