Thursday, July 3, 2014

hello, Wonderful: Maker Mom Interview

hello, Wonderful Maker Mom Interview

Quick question:

If you were stuck on a desert island with the kids, what crafting materials would you absolutely need to have?

Go on, I'll wait.  *Twiddles thumbs.*

Why do I ask?  Well, a couple of weeks ago I had the privilege to be interviewed by Agnes from the lovely website hello, Wonderful.  (It's a great place to find all sorts of lovely kid activities and inspiration.) One of my interview questions was the one above.  Curious about my answer?  Head on over and read my responses here.

And of course, I wish all my American readers a Happy Fourth of July!  Hopefully your fireworks won't be rained out (boo!) and you'll have a great time hanging out with family and/or friends.  I'm actually going to be travelling this weekend to Baltimore to visit some East Coast friends before we make our epic move across country in a couple of weeks.

See you on Monday!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

2 DIY Cardboard Fourth of July Hats!

Fourth of July is in a couple of days.  Now if you're like me, you probably just realized that fact just this week.  (Oh wait... am I the only one is in a perpetual time warp and constantly forgets what day it is?)  This year we plan on seeing fireworks with Chuck and I thought it would be fun to whip up some cute Fourth of July Cardboard Hats for us to wear.  Can you believe that these 2 hats were made from cereal boxes, toilet paper rolls, and corrugated cardboard?

2 Easy DIY Fourth of July Hats!

Make 2 cardboard Fourth of July Hats with the kids!

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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Cardboard and Pom Pom Soccer Game

Are you watching the World Cup?  Hubby's been keeping track of the games, but Chuck and I haven't been paying too much attention to the scores.  However, because it's soccer season, I still felt inspired to make something soccer-related.  So that's why I crafted this mini cardboard and pom pom soccer game for us to play.

Cardboard and Pom Pom Soccer Game

make a cardboard and pom pom soccer game
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Monday, June 30, 2014

Let's Build Boats! (Engineering with Kids)

Lately we've been reading books on pirates around here.  Arrrrgh maties!  So I thought it would be fun if we tried our hands at building some boats from everyday materials.  (I saw a similar idea from i2camp's Instagram feed and really wanted to try it out.)  This was a fun engineering activity that required very little prep and just used random items from our crafting and recycling bins.

Kids' Engineering:  Let's Build Boats!

Kids Engineering- Let's build boats!
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