Saturday, July 19, 2014

DIY Fish or Fruit Perler Bead Stretch Bracelet

Awhile back I had the wonderful opportunity to do a post swap with Allison from Dream a Little Bigger. (She's a serious crafting all-star, so I definitely recommend checking out her blog if you want to get seriously inspired.)   While packing the other day I found my collection of DIY Perler Bead Bracelets  (see the bottom of the post for pictures.)  And then I realized that I never shared my tutorial here.  So tada!  Here's a post from the archives.  Today we're going to make these lovely "fish" and "fruit" perler bead bracelets. 

Make "Fish" and "Fruit" Perler Bead Bracelets

how to make fish and fruit perler bead woven bracelets

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Aren't they both so colorful and summery?  Don't you just want to make one? It feels like summer camp all over again...  Let's get stringing!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

DIY Magnetic Transportation Map Game

Our epic move still looms overhead.  The movers are coming next week and then we fly off to California a week after that.  I keep trying to explain what's happening to Chuck, but I'm not sure he gets it yet.  So I came up with this easy craft and activity to help him out.  It's a DIY Magnetic Transportation Map Activity where you move different types of transportation across county using magnets!

DIY Magnetic Transportation Map Game

DIY Magnetic Transportation Map Game
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Chuck really enjoyed helping me to color in the map and different types of transportation using watercolors.  He also REALLY enjoyed moving everything around using magnets.  It was a bit of trial and error to put this toy together, but at the end we came up with a craft that's easy to make, fun to use, and *hopefully* helpful for Chuck.

Let's get making!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Shaving Cream and Water Balloon Play

Since becoming involved with the Kid Blogger Network earlier this year, I've been introduced to a ton of wonderful new blogs and this new idea called "an invitation to play."  Basically, you provide the child with several objects and inviting him/her to explore the materials.  I love this idea because there isn't a pressure for kids to perform.  They get the opportunity to be curious, explore, play, and have fun.  So, after seeing this shaving cream activity on the Hands on as we grow blog, Chuck and I tried our own shaving cream play... but with an added twist... water balloons!  

Let's Play with Shaving Cream and Water Balloons!

Let's play with shaving cream and water balloons:  Make cupcakes, ice cream, and facial hair

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If your kid likes messy play, baked goods, and facial hair, then this is the activity for you!  Let's get playing!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

DIY Felt Shape Activity

Are you looking for a fun, open-ended, creative activity to do with the kids?  Then this DIY Felt Shape Activity is right up your alley!  It's easy to make and provides kids with countless opportunities to be creative, use their imaginations, visualize things spatially, and practice using their mathematical language!    

DIY Felt Shape Activity

DIY Felt Shape Activity:  Use different shapes to create scenes!

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