Showing posts sorted by relevance for query sharpie. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query sharpie. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Easy Recycled Gnome Sun catcher Craft

We love making easy kid-friendly suncatcher and stained glass crafts! They're especially fun in the winter when everything outside seems cold and grey. When I saw this adorable gnome sun catcher on Etsy, I knew we had the perfect inspiration to make our very own kid-friendly holiday version. Tada!

How to Make an Easy Recycled Gnome Sun Catcher

Easy Recycled Gnome Suncatcher Kids Craft for winter holidays

They're so cute!!!

(I love hanging out with my gnomies. It's the only hanging out that we're allowed to do. Oy. Quarantine humor..)

Monday, July 2, 2018

Super Easy Recycled, Homemade Sun catchers

If you're looking for a super easy kids craft that you can make from recycled materials... this is it! We've tried making several fun suncatcher crafts with the kids.  But today's suncatcher craft is by far the easiest one ever.  You can literally make dozens in minutes.  Intrigued?  Read on!

How to Make Super Easy, Homemade Recycled Suncatchers

Super Easy Recycled Sun catchers- easy and fun kids craft

Note:  This post contains affiliate links.  This means I make a small bit of change when you purchase items through the links.  Thank you for your support and the grocery money! For my full disclosure policy, click here.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Make milk jug rings

Lookie lookie!  

Me:  Hey friend!  A couple of nights ago, I made these three rings out of milk jugs.

You:  No way!  Come on, now.  I don't believe you.

Me:  Oh yes.  Believe me, friend.  These crapty cool rings were inspired by La Factoria Plastica's cardboard play rings and Lana Red's shrinky dink rings.

You:  Oh yes.  I remember seeing those on your Pinterest Board.  Well dagum!  How did you make them?

Me:  Keep reading to find out!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Uber Cute Origami Mermaid

Looking for the cutest origami summer craft ever?  I recently signed my son up for swimming lessons and realized... oof! Summer is right around the corner!  That means that it's time for... summer crafts!  Woo hoo!  And what better way to inspire some summer crafting.. then this uber cute origami mermaid?    Yup.  Put this craft on your summer-to-do list!  It's a must for all mermaid-loving kiddos!

How to Fold an Origami Mermaid!

fun summer origami for kids- fold an origami mermaid
This post contains affiliate links. Thank you for your support!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Toilet Roll Biplane Airplanes Craft

Although Chuck isn't always so keen to craft with me (sad, I know,) he fortunately loves making cardboard toys with me.  (Yay!)  Currently he loves planes.  But since we've already crafted toilet roll planestoilet roll helicopters, and cardboard roll space shuttles... I was at a loss as to what we could make together next.  One day he suggested that we make a biplane together.  So we went with his suggestion and did this toilet roll biplane craft!

Toilet Roll Biplane Craft

Make Toilet Roll biplanes! Easy and fun kids craft!

Note:  This post contains affiliate links.  Thank you so much for your support!

I think he looks a little like Leadbottom from the movie Planes, don't you?

Check out how we made this simple plane from recycled materials below!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

DIY Climbing Cardboard Circus Men Toys

I love making interactive toys for Chuck. There's something immensely gratifying about creating something that's beautiful, functional, and fun.... out of recyclable items!  Recently I made these two cardboard climbing circus men toys for Chuck.  You pull on the strings and the men race to the top.

Cardboard Climbing Circus Strong Men Toys

DIY Toys:  Make Climbing Circus Men Toys!

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Hee hee.  Do you dig their leotards, chest hair, and handlebar mustache?  Yup.  These manly men exude quite a bit of style, don't you think?

Ok.  Let's get making!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Make a Cardboard Taxi Bank

The last time we visited New York, Chuck got the chance to ride around Manhattan in a taxi.

He absolutely loved it.  Not only did he not have to sit in a baby seat, but he got to ride alongside mom and dad.  Whoa!  Too much coolness.

Now whenever we see a taxi (or really, any yellow car), he calls out, "Taxi! Taxi"

His love for those yellow vehicles and the ever growing pile of cardboard diaper boxes in our apartment prompted me to make him a small taxi bank.

Beep Beep! 
It was a pretty simple craft to make.  Older kids can help with making or assembling the pieces and younger kids can help paint the car once it's built.

- Cardboard <-- crap!
- Scissors
- Exacto knife
- Masking Tape
- Packing Tape
- Paint
- Paint brushes
- Mod Podge
- Foam Brush
- Black Sharpie Marker

1.  Cut out two identical car pieces and two long rectangular strips out of cardboard.  The strips should be identical widths.  Cut out a small slit in one cardboard rectangle for a place to insert your moola.

3.  Slowly bend and tape the rectangular strips to the edge of one of your car pieces.  Use packing tape to tape the cardboard together.  When you reach the point to where you want the trunk to be, cut out a small opening (for coins to escape.)  (Note:  I kept the non-printed brown side on the outside of the car because I thought it would be easier to paint later.)

4. Now you'll have to be dextrous and tape the other cardboard car piece on top of your structure.  (I used packing tape and tried to tape everything on the inside.)  Then, use masking tape to cover your edges.  (The masking tape gives the piece a less crapty, cleaner look.  Plus, it helped to keep everything attached together.)

5.  Paint your car white.  (This will make sure your colors pop.)  Then, paint your taxi.  You can also use a Sharpie marker to outline shapes or write out the license plate numbers. 

6.  Cover your car with Mod Podge to protect your lovely paint job.  Voila!  Now you're done.

Hmm.... looking back I probably would not have made cardboard wheels.  Instead, I would have made them out of milk caps so that they could really turn.

I added a small rectangular piece to the trunk to give Chuck something to grip.  Eh... he ended up ripping it right off.. so I'm not sure if that was too important to do....

Taxi, taxi!  (Don't worry.  Chuck's leg isn't hurt, he's just likes wearing hubby's leg band.)

Right now Chuck has about five cents in the bank.  Hey, you gotta start somewhere, right?  We're hoping that by the end of the year, he'll have enough to buy something from the 99cent store.  :)

Happy crafting!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Origami Artwork With Kids

Ever have just a crazy, crazy, week?  I'm sure you have... and last week was mine.  Chuck was sick the entire week and hubby had to work late hours.  So at night I found myself trying to relax by catching up on my favorite shows (currently Brooklyn 99) and folding origami.  Yup.  I'll hopefully have some cool origami projects  (like these origami black catorigami jack-o-lantern, and origami vampire lips) to show you in the next couple of weeks.

I'm not an origami ninja.  A lot of times projects just don't turn out quite how I imagined.  Lines aren't folded correctly and have to be refolded (again and again).  When imperfect projects are finally finished, it always seems like a shame to toss out the paper.  So I thought to myself, "Why not turn my old origami projects into art?"  And that's how this idea was born!

Make Origami Artwork with Kids

make easy origami artwork with kids
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Thursday, November 7, 2013

DIY Kids' Portable Stove top

Sometimes when I'm cooking in the kitchen, Chuck pretends to cook alongside me.  It's pretty cute.  I'll give him one of my unused pots and a large plastic spoon, and he'll whip up something for me to try.

Lately he's been cooking for his toy cars.  With this new interest in entertaining, I thought it was high time he got his own stove.  Taking inspiration from this Pack-n-Go Kids Play Stove, I made him a mini portable stove top.

DIY Portable Kids Stove Top Toy

DIY Kids' Portable Stove Top

Since we live in a small apartment, I'm always hesitant to purchase large toys for Chuck.   I loved this simple DIY toy because it supports his imaginative play and doesn't take up too much space!  The storage container's lid becomes the "stove top" and all his cooking toys are stored inside.

  • Plastic storage container
  • Sharpie Marker
  • Scissors
  • Contact Paper

1.  Doodle some burners and knobs onto your contact paper using your Sharpie marker.
2.  Cut out your doodles.
3.  Stick them onto your plastic storage container.

That's it!  Now you've got an easy-peasie DIY stove for cooking.  Pretty awesome!

How to make a toy stove top for kids

Happy crafting!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Crapty Fridays- DIY photo filters

You probably saw this post and wondered, "Um, was that a typo?"

The answer:  No.

I've decided to try crapting something once a week.  Crapting is when I take a piece of junk (any worthless piece of crap) and try to make something from it.  The resulting item could be really neat or weird or really... well... crappy.  Whatever the result may be, I'm hoping that this crapty (hee hee) exercise will work out my brain, hands, and creative juices.

Here's my first crapt (hee hee):  A DIY photo filter.

After seeing the super talented ladies at A Beautiful Mess create photo filters using transparencies and permanent markers, I thought I could go crapty and use a disposable plastic snack container instead of a transparency: 
Ahh, sharpie marker on crap.

Here's what it looked like when I placed my crapty filter in front of my lens:
Ooh- Cheesy horror movie  effect

Here's what it looked like when I placed the filter in front of my flash:
Left:  Without filter                                                       Right:  With filter

With a night's worth of fun under our belts I was all set to toss out the filter.  But I changed my mind after realizing that nail polish remover could remove sharpie marker.   Ooh!  With a couple wipes and a doodles, I had a new filter to use.  (Cha-ching.  Double crapting points):

The next day I played around with this new filter.  Here are some of my better photos:

Thanks for joining me on my first crapty adventure!
What would you make out of a disposable plastic cover?
What should I crapt with next?

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Tissue Paper Luminary Drawings (and book list!)

How did you celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day?  This is the first year that I’ve talked to my preschooler about this holiday.  We read a bunch of picture books celebrating diversity and service (links below) and talked about what it means to dream and treat all people kindly, no matter what they look like.  Being a craft lover, we also sat down and made these Tissue Paper Luuminary Drawings.  I love the discussion that we had while making them and I love how they beautiful they turned out too!

Martin Luther King Tissue Paper Luminary Drawings 

tissue paper luminary drawings- beautiful art and craft idea for celebrating martin luther king jr day
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Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Pressed Flower Tray Craft for Mother's Day

I love spring! All the flowers around our neighborhood have inspired me to make another spring craft.  Today I'm sharing this pressed flower tray craft. This would be a very easy project for kids of all ages and would be a great present for Mother's Day! 

How to Make Pressed Flower Trays for Mom

How to make pressed flower trays for a DIY kid-friendly Mother's Day craft

Note:  This post contains affiliate links.  This means I make a small bit of change when you purchase items through the links.  Thank you for your support and the grocery money! For my full disclosure policy, click here.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Make a Cardboard Bridge for Trains and Cars

We bought an Ikea train set awhile back and Chuck loves it.  The only problem is that our poor Thomas train is too big and doesn't fit under the train set's tunnel.  So I poked through my trusty cardboard stash and made him a cardboard mountain bridge.  

Cardboard Bridge for Trains and Cars

Aha!  Problem solved.
cardboard bridge for trains and cars

Now all the trains can fit underneath the mountain while his cars drive over the train track.  Yay! 

Wanna make a bridge too?  Well then keep on reading! 

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Clothespin People and Doodles

I needed a few clothespins for some crafts... but ended up acquiring a whole bunch more than necessary.  They were just lying around, so I fiddled around  and came up with a really fun, open-ended art project:  Clothespin Doodles!

clothespin kissing people and other doodles- fun open-ended art prompt for kids

This post contains affiliate links. Thank you for the grocery money!  For my full disclosure policy, click here

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

DIY-Sharpie dye your clothes

I've always wanted to learn how to tie dye properly.  I tried to do it once way back in elementary school, but ended up with a light grey stained shirt.  (We were going for bright purple.) 

Now that summer is showing off her vibrant hues, I once again felt inspired to try this colorful art form.  Some quick researching online showed that people were actually using Sharpie markers to dye their shirts!   The method was so simple and I had all the materials at home.  Score!  So, I decided to give this craft a try. 

Here are the materials that I used:

Here's what I did: 
  1. I placed a piece of cardboard inside my shirt so the marker wouldn't seep through.  (I only wanted one side of my shirt dyed.) Note:  You could probably also use a plastic bag too. 
  2. I channeled my inner artist and began doodling on my shirts.  Note:  I used old markers which didn't have much ink in them.  I recommend using juicy, new, fat markers.  Then you can put more ink on the shirt and get a better effect.      
  3. I stretched my t-shirt over a baking pan to catch the alcohol.  Note:  Again, you could probably just do this part with a plastic bag.
  4. I used my dropper to drip alcohol onto my design.  A couple of drops was all it took to make the marker bleed. 
  5. I let my shirt dry.
  6. I ironed my shirt to set the colors.  (Note:  This didn't work because the colors still bled when I hand washed the shirts.  Other people suggested placing your shirts briefly in the microwave or dryer.)
  7. I hand washed my shirts.
 Want to see the results?
Here's my first attempt:
My inspiration came from beach waves and fourth of July fireworks.
The design reminded hubby of a dental x-ray.
Hmm... crafty or crappy?  Not sure if I'm digging my design...

And here's my second attempt:  (This time I tried something simpler.)  

All in all the method worked relatively well.  The colors were vibrant and reminded me of watercolors.  But, the markers bled during my hand washing, resulting in staining on the back of the shirts.  Also, the rubbing alcohol and markers smelled A LOT.  So just be sure to do this in a well ventilated room!

Have you tried using sharpies to dye your clothes?

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Cute Mandarin Pig Craft (For Chinese New Year!)

Hosting a Chinese New Year event and looking for a super cute Chinese New Year Craft that also doubles as decor?  This is it!  Halos Mandarins recently reached out and challenged me to make a craft using their fruit.  Well, these adorable mandarin pigs definitely fit the bill.  These sweet pigs are a yummy and cute way to celebrate the Year of the Pig.

(Many thanks to Halos for sending me craft supplies and boxes of yummy mandarins!)

Super Sweet Mandarin Pigs for Chinese New Year!

Adorable Mandarin Orange Pig Craft for Chinese New Year

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Shark Binoculars

We are in LOVE with shark crafts over here.   Love, love, love them.

So when I was sent a bunch of free craft materials from Horizon Group awhile back, I knew what we had to use them to make.... Shark toilet roll binoculars!

Toilet Roll Shark Binoculars 

Here's a fun take on toilet roll binoculars- turn them into sharks and add some lovely decorative beads!

Aren't they adorable?  They are my favorite shark-themed craft so far!

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

How to Host a Bob Ross Party (With Adults or Kids!)

Looking for a creative and unique art activity to try with kids and adults?  Well, have you ever thought about doing a Bob Ross themed party?  Here's everything you need to know to paint Bob Ross with artists of all ages!  And bonus: expensive, fancy-shmancy materials definitely AREN'T required!

Everything You Need to Know to Throw a Bob Ross Party

(with adults and kids!)

Everything you need to know to host a Bob Ross Painting Party for Kids or Adults on a budget- a great how to tutorial!

This post contains affiliate links.  This means I make a small portion off of any purchases made through the links at no additional cost to you.  Thank you for the grocery money!  For my full disclosure policy, click here.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Modern Art with Kids- Lichtenstein Dot Art

Lately I've wanted to expose my preschooler to different types of art.   But with a new baby at home, our creative and crafty times have been hard to come by.  So I was really excited when my older son and I had the chance to make some art the other morning.  We looked at Lichtenstein's Stepping Out, talked about what we saw in the artwork, and then made some of our own inspired modern pop art!

Modern Art With Kids- Lichtenstein Dot Art

Making Lichtenstein-inspired Modern Art with kiddos!
This post contains affiliate links.  Thank you for your support!  For my full policy, click here.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Crapty Fridays- DIY mustache tie clip

Hubby has a thing for tie bars and I have a thing for mustaches.
So when he asked me to make him a mustache tie clip (like the one here), I rose to the *hairy* challenge!

But how to do it?  And for that matter, how could I do it cheaply?

After brainstorming for a bit, I decided to go with the ol' plastic lid route.
Yep.  You read right.  I'm talking about a disposable plastic lid from a take-out container. 

- paper
- pencil
- scissors
- old tie clip that you don't want
- wrench
- plastic take out lid
- Sharpie marker
- nailpolish (I used silver and a clear top coat)
- glue gun
- sandpaper


Step 1:  Get yourself a tie clip with a relatively flat face.  We had this old tie clip that we had lying around.  It came in a bag of random doodads at a thrift store.  Hubby and I found the tie clip funny, but totally inappropriate for him to wear to work.  (Hubby's name isn't Richard, silly!)

Step 2:  Use your wrench to pull off the unwanted adornment from your tie clip.  Hubby did this step because I have the arm strength of a four-year old.

Step 3:  Trace your tie clip on a piece of paper.  This will help you figure out how big to make your new mustache adornment!  Doodle different mustache shapes that you'd like to use.  (I had three choices and opted to use the middle not too full, not too skimpy mustache.)

Step 4:  Cut out your chosen mustache.

Step 5:  Use your sharpie to trace your mustache shape onto a plastic container lid.  Cut out your mustache shape.

Ooh.  That's one crapty mustache.

Now it's time to get your hands nice and dirty.

Step 6:  Sand the back of your mustache and the front of your tie clip.  Roughing up the two surfaces will hopefully help the hot glue to stick the two items together.  (I tried this at first without sanding and the mustache easily peeled off from the metal.)

Step 7:  Paint the front of your mustache with several coats of nail polish. 

Note:  Before going the nail polish route I tried spray painting my mustache silver. It totally did not work.  The spray paint peeled right off.

Step 8: Hot glue your mustache to your tie clip.  Then, voila!

Hubby wore this clip to work and got a ton of compliments.  Phew.  The mustache stayed put the whole day and now he can wear it again.  .  

Have you crapt lately?  If so, I'd love to hear about it.
Or, would you like to give me a crapting challenge?    I'd love to crapt with your crap!

Happy crapting!